Part of this class teaches the traditional side to Taekwondo, and implements a grading syllabus where you will be able to achieve great things as well as being fit physically and mentally. You will also learn the realistic application of styles such as Thai Kickboxing, grappling, krav maga, Filipino Eskrima short sticks and knife fighting techniques. This is a complete system of Martial Arts, right in the heart of Western Sydney.

In this class, we practice the traditional style of Thai kickboxing. Much like the boxing class, we work on strength and conditioning, fitness, while maintaining the core values of Muay Thai. You are guaranteed to shed the extra kilos in this high-intensity, fat-burning class. Sir Peter, known around the Western Sydney region for his success rate, can help you achieve your goals, whether it’s to fight in the ring or to get fit.

Whether you’re looking to fight competitively, get fit or just have fun with a friend in class in a friendly environment. In our boxing classes we work on the science of boxing in a high intensity atmosphere, as well as dialing in strength and conditioning to get you fit, firing and feeling great for summer.

Our Adults Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Program is designed to cover all the basic techniques of Jiu Jitsu. It will easily take you to the next level in a simple and fun way.
Frequent practice is essential if efficiency is to be gained in this program.
The key to learning Jiu Jitsu is repetition. The ultimate goal is to condition your sub-conscious with Jiu Jitsu techniques in order to automatically react in critical situations.
Come and try it for free! Contact us and book your free introduction class with our friendly staff, we are sure that you’ll love it!